ESPES belives in the importance of active engagement of business in social and environmental issues.
We consider our CSR policy a key element of our business activity. We have been granted with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 certificates which confirm the highest standards of our environmental and quality management systems. Our activities include:

– full recycling and air pollution monitoring (filters, inspections)
– the life cycle of our partitions is 20 years
– environmentaly friendly machines and energy efficient production technologies
– clearly stated Environmental Policy

Besides the previously stated activies ESPES has also
– funded holidays for children from MUMINKI foundation
– participated in Akademia Przyszłości program for children education
– funded swimming lanes for deaf-mute youth in Warsaw
– supported football clubs: Ruch Chorzów, MKS Kluczbork, Legia Warszawa, MKS Piast Piastów
– sponsored football tournaments for children (Mini Euro 2012, Mini Champions League 2013)
– sponsored vollayball clubs: ŻBIK Pruszków, Siatkarz Wieluń, ESPES  Sparta Warszawa

Our certificates:
